Gamified Awareness Training

Transform Engagement with MCC Inc.’s Cyber Mastery Challenge

Embark on a cybersecurity training revolution with MCC Inc.’s cutting-edge Cyber Mastery Challenge. Supercharge participation rates and fortify your defenses against cyber threats through engaging, interactive learning experiences.

Decoding Cyber Mastery: Unleash the Power of Gamified Learning

Dive into the world of interactive, gamified eLearning modules designed to reinforce essential cybersecurity practices. Whether navigating a 3D Serious Game or conquering bite-sized Cyber Challenges, participants tackle skill-testing questions, earn points, and sharpen their cybersecurity decision-making skills in realistic scenarios.

Serious Games: Where Learning Meets Excitement

Bid farewell to lackluster security awareness content. Serious Games seamlessly blend proven eLearning techniques into 3D virtual environments, making the acquisition of cybersecurity concepts not just effective but enjoyable. Elevate skill development while embracing key cyber concepts in a captivating manner.

See the transformation unfold!


Cyber Challenges: Quick Wins for Rapid Learning

Complement your existing security awareness program with dynamic, focused learning opportunities. Cyber Challenges zoom in on specific behaviors or best practices, delivering interactive, bite-sized content that supports high-risk clickers.

Embark on the experience now!

Why Opt for Cyber Mastery Games:

  • Gamification Magic: Player scores and leaderboards complement existing security awareness content, reinforcing crucial concepts and promoting knowledge retention.
  • User-Friendly Experience: Launch a Cyber Game in seconds, requiring only course access and a web browser. Each module takes less than 10 minutes, seamlessly integrating into the workday.

How Cyber Mastery Games Elevate Your Security Awareness Training:

  • Boost Completion Rates: Amplify participation and completion rates with engaging, digestible modules.
  • Enhance Knowledge Retention: Foster skill development and knowledge retention through proactive, immersive learning.
  • Craft a Gamified Experience: Foster a cyber-aware culture through captivating gamification elements.
  • Mirror Real-World Threats: Provide a secure, hands-on environment for testing information security knowledge.
  • Facilitate Behavior Change: Leverage proven eLearning techniques to achieve cybersecurity objectives.
  • Maximize ROI: Elevate training initiatives with award-winning content from MCC Inc.’s Terranova Security.

Let the Cyber Mastery Challenge Begin!

Explore the difference with a personalized walkthrough.

Critical Success Factors of Cyber Mastery Games

Scientific Approach to Learning

Globally recognized, Cyber Mastery Challenge modules employ science-based methods for impactful employee training. Virtual puzzles and clickable on-screen elements tap into human psychology, ensuring engaging and informative sessions.

Real-Time Performance Feedback

Measure cybersecurity knowledge in real-time, providing continuous feedback and immediate impact insights throughout each module.

Problem-Solving Prowess

Encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills with in-game tasks that demand a thoughtful approach.

Built-In Motivation

Fueled by motivating forces like scoring systems, Cyber Mastery Games push participants to elevate their performance and compete on leaderboards.

Goal-Driven Accomplishments

Set clear objectives, encouraging skill and knowledge growth through achievable tasks.

Confidence Boost

Celebrate victories, big or small, to boost participants’ confidence in consistently detecting cyber threats.

Just-in-Time Learning Support

Provide additional learning support post suboptimal results, distilling complex topics into clear, actionable best practices.

Remote Engagement Mastery:

Tailored for remote and hybrid workforces, Cyber Mastery Challenge modules replace monotonous content with interactive training, ensuring regular, timely participation.